Before I Die

"When we build a house we lay the foundation first. After that we choose the material for the walls, floors, and roof. The believer has his foundation in Jesus Christ. Now we are to build upon this foundation, and the work we have done must stand the ultimate test.... " "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him - for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. " II Corinthians 5:10

In the last days before a Christian goes to be with the Lord, Satan will seek to steal his peace. The weakness caused by disease or pain, the confusion of the mind, may cause even the greatest saints to have moments of doubt. Before one of America's greatest theologians and Bible teachers died, he called a preacher frequently seeking assurance of his eternal salvation. At first the preacher didn't understand how this man of God, a teacher of the Word, could be troubled with questions about his worthiness. However, this problem is not uncommon, and loved ones should be available to offer help and hope without provoking a sense of guilt.

Few women in our generation have had greater influence upon the world than Corrie ten Boom. Her biographer wrote, "A Christian witness meets its true test in times of suffering. A pastor, who visited her often after her first crippling stroke, said that only once did he see her upset about her own needs. As is very common in stroke patients, a wave of doubt about the Lord's nearness had swept over her. The pastor took out his Bible and read from Matthew 28, where Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." He reminded Corrie that this promise was for those who gave themselves to fulfill the Great Commission, as she had done so faithfully. Her face brightened as she began to speak with confidence, 'Always, always, always.'"

When the final moments come, the power of God will conquer and the believer will enjoy the comfort of His loving arms. 

Our Patient Merciful God
The Bible and the Gospel speak of God's great mercy for us ...

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